Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Set Review - Green

Both Jamie and TJ are using a rating scale of 10 for this set. Jamie is basing hers on limited play, while TJ is giving more of a holistic rating. Melvin is just being Melvin.

Other Colors


adventurous impulse

Jamie: 4/10 never unhappy to play this but not a priority.

TJ: 3/10 I rather just play a creature or a land.

Melvin: My adventurous impulses pale in comparison to my snacking impulses.


almighty brushwagg

Jamie: 5/10 seems like a decent mutate target, mana sink late game.

TJ: 5/10 As far as one mana creatures go I like this one a lot. It's a fantastic mutate target and a great mana sink.

Melvin: I hope it’s name is Bruce. Or Evan.


auspicious starrix

Jamie: 8/10 powerful to be able to put a permanent onto the battlefield for free.

TJ: 8/10 That seems like a super powerful ability especially when you can splash it in your deck. The only concern is that the spells you go over don't get shuffled back into the deck so you could end up getting rid of some good spells.

Melvin: It’s so cute! More like Awwwwww-spicious, right?


barrier breach

Jamie: 2/10 seems targeted for constructed.

TJ: 2/10 Seems a bit excessive in limited, and weirdly focused in constructed.

Melvin: Looks more like a barrier belch.


bristling boar

Jamie: 7/10 good mutate target, a very large boi that can't be blocked by more than one creature seems solid.

TJ: 7/10 A classic. toss a menace counter onto this piggy and go all the way to the market.

Melvin: I’m not sure how I feel about pork that comes with its own kebabs.


charge of the forever-beast

Jamie: 8/10 solid removal. Restrictions + giving away hand info are what make this not premium removal. Bad top deck.

TJ: 7/10 Good early game removal, bad top deck. Still pretty good for Green.

Melvin: Be sure to adopt a rescue apex. Every forever-beast deserves a forever-home.



Jamie: 6/10 very large, but not able to attack with creature on the turn you play this is a bummer. Asking to be 2 for 1’ed.

TJ: 5/10 This semes too wacky to be good. On a creature with flying or trample this will be absurd. But I'd be worried about having your 24/24 chump blocked all day.

Melvin: This is how my cat views herself 100% of the time.


essence symbiote

Jamie: 6/10 heavy mutate decks will still want to curve out and this is a solid 2 drop.

TJ: 6/10 A solid bear that benefits for doing your game plan. The life gain is a nice little buffer.

Melvin: The symbiotes had a harder time succeeding after symbihall left.


excavation mole

Jamie: 5/10 solid body.

TJ: 5/10 In some decks the mill will be a big plus. But the rest of the time it's a good rate for a tramplin' body.

Melvin: I dig it.


exuberant wolfbear

Jamie: 7/10 being able to beef up a tiny human when attacking is solid!

TJ: 7/10 It's a 4/4 for four. But if you have any humans it can be a nice way to spread out some damage across your board.

Melvin: If you need a lyft on Ikoria, just get an ubear ride.



Jamie: 8/10 awesome fixing!

TJ: 8/10 I love fertalid. powerful fixing and a fun creature all around.

Melvin: I like a creature that poops out lands.


flycatcher giraffid

Jamie: 5/10 build your own mammoth spider ain't too shabby but also not too exciting.

TJ: 5/10 based on of the stats I'd expect it to get reach fairly often. But being able to attack with vigilance it always nice. good mutate target.

Melvin: I can’t tell what’s longer, its tongue or its neck.


fully grown

Jamie: 6/10 nice combat trick that leaves behind a permanent trample counter is deece +.

TJ: 6/10 trample is good.

Melvin: Being an optimistic 3’2”, I hope I’m not fully grown yet. I just want to be able to ride the tea cups without a special booster seat.



Jamie: 6/10 strong stats for a fair price, the ability might not be all that relevant most times, but nice to have the option.

TJ: 8/10 This card has fantastic stats. And if you mutate it you'll be able to interact occasionally. Play this one for the reach and trample.

Melvin: So it destroys gems, but then you turn around and cash it in for 20 on Arena. Seems fair.


glowstone recluse

Jamie: 5/10 seems fair but not overly exciting.

TJ: 5/10 what a cutie.

Melvin: If a spider looks into a multi-faceted glowstone, how many eyes does it see?


greater sandworm

Jamie: 5/10 can't be blocked by creatures power 2 or less will be relevant, less able to gang block it. decent late game creature with cycle is okay by me.

TJ: 6/10 I always liked that this creature can't be chump blocked. gotta throw something better in front of it. Big creature but also very slow.

Melvin: Greater sandwurms are having a hard time of it since all the Olive Gardens are closed and no one needs Parmesan on their pasta.


honey mammoth

Jamie: 5/10 6/6 for 6 is fine stats, and that gain 4 can be clutch late game. this is decent top end in a pinch.

TJ: 5/10 Sometimes all you need is a giant creature and a bit of time. This card does both.

Melvin: If you’re opponent attacks with this, you could be in a sticky situation. Bee careful.


hornbash mentor

Jamie: 7/10 being able to grant a big fattie trample is super nice, being able to grow it a bonus. 3/3 for 3 isn't a shabby body either.

TJ: 7/10 Excellent Mentor. Good on it's own. fantastic with a friend.

Melvin: A rarely used Ikorian phrase, “Mess with the hornbash mentor, get the single weird horn on his head.”


humble naturalist

Jamie: 6/10 3-4 color good stuff is very achievable in this set. Naturalist helps that happen. Reminder: only helps to cast creature spells.

TJ: 6/10 Manabases will be all over the place. a creature to help ramp and correct is nice.

Melvin: Killing an opponent with this entitles you to unlimited humble brags.


ivy elemental

Jamie: 8/10 scales with the game, great target for mutating onto.

TJ: 8/10 The +1/+1 counters make this a hilariously good mutate target.

Melvin: It’s been in Ikoria since Wrigley Field is closed. The wall is naked now.


kogla, the titan ape

Jamie: 9.5/10 this is a groan-worth bomb on the other side of the battlefield. optional fight, plus being able to give indestructible. First pick this so hard.

TJ: 9/10 If you can cast this card. It's obscene for only six mana. kill a creature, smash enchantments, and able to protect itself for only two mana. We all know this is King Kong, and it's early the title.

Melvin: I like the reuse on the ability. You can really monkey around with human ETB triggers.


lead the stampede

Jamie: 6/10 lots of times this is a 3 mana draw 2+ in green.

TJ: 5/10 If you have a lot of creatures. card draw in green is always a nice bonus.

Melvin: Looks like someone rang the dinner bell.


migration path

Jamie: 4/10 decent fixing/ramp when needed, can always cycle away. Not the fixing I would prioritize, but works in a pinch.

TJ: 6/10 jumping up two lands is a great way to take control of a battlefield. adding cycling to this is icing on the cake.

Melvin: The path of beast resistance.


migratory greathorn

Jamie: 6/10 ramp + fixing on a stick. This is the fixing I am looking for!

TJ: 7/10 three mana rampant growth with a 3/4 attached. neato.

Melvin: I’ve ridden the matterhorn, so I feel like I’m ready for a greathorn.


monstrous step

Jamie: 5/10 fine removal-esque card, but expensive effect. The cycle makes it more appealing.

TJ: 4/10 ehhhhh. It will service as a removal spell I suppose.

Melvin: That’s one step for a beast, one monstrous step for beast kind.


mosscoat goriak

Jamie: 4/10 filler/ decent body to mutate onto, but would much rather have a farfinder for a 3 drop body with vigilance.

TJ: 4/10 It's a three drop.

Melvin: When this comes into play on Arena, I want to hear the song “Goriakety Saks”


mythos of brokkos

Jamie: 7/10 if able to cast for 3 colors, you are generally digging up strongest creature and getting it back right away. Fine for just green mana but not exciting.

TJ: 7/10 buying back two creatures is a nice bonus. get's better if you are in all three colors.

Melvin: Being Brokkos ain’t no myth with every business closed down.



Jamie: 3/10 sideboard. mainboard if your deck is super weak to flyers. would love for this to have cycling!

TJ: 3/10 side board.

Melvin: This art if my 401K was a bird.


ram through

Jamie: 7/10 looking to run 2-3 of these maindeck. Efficient, and instant speed lets you trade up smaller creatures in combat if needed.

TJ: 7/10 awesome design. don't need to make your creature a sacrifice to kill their stuff. use a creature with deathtouch for value.

Melvin: I’m still trying to get my tiny hat tax break legislation rammed through committee.


sudden spinnerets

Jamie: 4/10 The untap is tricky stuff, plus a cheap combat trick.

TJ: 3/10 defensive tricks are alright.

Melvin: Forget Spiderman, I want Spiderelk.


survivor’s bond

Jamie: 4/10 lots of decks will have few humans. Worth running if you have a good mix of both humans and non-humans.

TJ: 5/10 If you have good targets this will be fine. But in general I don't expect it to be incredible.

Melvin: This will be everyone in fall of 2020.


thwart the enemy

Jamie: 4/10 one sided fog is more interesting than fog, but still not doing a whole lot.

TJ: 3/10 better than usual fogs because your creatures still deal damage. But still bad.

Melvin: Always use Compound V for thwart removal.


titanoth rex

Jamie: 8/10 strong finisher, great with recursion. Can always cycle away to give another creature trample.

TJ: 8/10 If you have nine mana this card will close the door on your opponent. Plus only paying two to draw a card and give something trample as a surprise.

Melvin: Get Rex’ed opponent!


vivien, monsters’ advocate

Jamie: 10/10 value city, sign me up.

TJ: 10/10 This card is so silly in limited. static ability expands your hand size hugely. first ability build your board. 2nd ability isn't even the best option and it's still excellent.

Melvin: This Vivien has really passed the planeswalker bar for playability.



Jamie: 4/10 sideboard material.

TJ: 4/10 sideboard.

Melvin: Looks like TJ may have forgotten to water Planty.